MMM March Mammal Madness Tournaments (MMM.PJAMAL.COM)
MMM 2025 is coming... Tournament “Events” will be live-announced by on the at 8PM Eastern with results available shortly after at the ASU March Mammal Madne…
MMM 2025 is coming... Tournament “Events” will be live-announced by on the at 8PM Eastern with results available shortly after at the ASU March Mammal Madne…
Every year the first week of October is an exciting time to celebrate those who are recognized to have contributed the most "to the benefit of mankind". Nobel prizes matter becaus…
One of the incredible phenomena in astronomy is the Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights). This week there were one of the strongest Solar Storms (Highest Category G5 that led to Northern Ligh…
Fall season scientifically starts today, September 22nd, 2024. The First Day of Autumn Equinox, broken down as “Equal Nights,” is a special day where summer has officially ended, and days w…
"Mammoth" is the largest carbon capture technology that is finally operational and turned on in Iceland, which uses renewable geothermal sources to operate. Learn more about it on…
What's today's AQI? Every Year EPA hosts Air Quality Awareness Week and this year it will be celebrated May 6–May 10, 2024. Here is a Newsletter from EPA for AQAW 2024 The United …
This week, for the first time ever, we reported more output than input when it comes to nuclear fusion. This experiment is a huge breakthrough for the future of energy. If you are interest…
Cherish the diversity of our planet and let us continue to learn to be kinder to ourselves, each other, and most importantly, to our planet, which needs to sustain our children and us. The…
Since we are covering Microscopes this week, one way to really zoom in over long distance is telescopes. This is the most powerful telescope - James Webb telescope and this summer, it captu…
One of the 17 UN SDG Goals involves Gender Equality and Empower ALL Women and Girls ( Goal#5 ) - thought it aligns beautifully with International Women's Rights Day as well as Women'…
One of the silver lining of this pandemic is the opportunity to attend online virtual science conferences. The SCIC2 (Science is Cool) Unconference was attended by over 12, 000+ science t…
While we have made some progress in switching to renewable energy sources, we have not made enough progress. Especially when we see natural gas consumption overtaking coal burning whil…
FREE Solar Eclipse glasses information below. For the first time in 99 years, the total solar eclipse will be visible from the entire United States from coast to coast. This is such a …
Would you like to help NASA scientists understand clouds better? Your observation of the cloud matters and this is an incredible opportunity to help NASA by submitting your observatio…
A helpful check-list to keep in mind regarding Pseudo-Science: Source:
We often forget the power of perspectives. Our brain has the power to change perspective, which is why we must work with folks who are different from us in every shape and form, so we …