#BackToSchool SY2024-2025 Visual Planner from TpT

Updated for the upcoming 2024-2025 School Year one-page visual PLANNER by EduSciTech starting with a screenshot of January 2025. New Year, More Organized You!

One of my favorite back-to-school resources that I work on is the following academic planner. As an educator, it is essential to see the big picture so we can plan more effectively. Since 2015, thanks to an inspiration by coach Emily, I have been designing this one-page (double-sided) school calendar that tries to organize the school year visually. The goal is to put in all of the holidays and the exams to help you use the latest, most accurate data and plan out your school year, knowing when your vacations are. The instruction days are actually the real days that matter, which is why this planner is so special since it helps you track the big picture.

This upcoming school year is no exception. I have improved the calendar a lot over the years. For example, I put in all the main AP Exams and the Regents Exams. The fact that everything fits into one page (double-sided) is one of the most powerful aspects of this planner. The planner also has a place for you to keep track of weekly labs or notes for each week for the entire school year. One page for Fall and One page for Spring. Parent-Teacher conference dates and Regents and AP Exam dates for high schools, as well as elementary and middle schools, are also included.  The PDF file keeps the format intact. If you wish to edit the Word Document, check out the TpT store.

Have a successful new school year 2024-2025!

Download the Free PDF file below from TpT, which ensures that the format stays intact. The word document is available for purchase so you can make changes to the calendar. CLICK VIEW PREVIEW for the free PDF of this yearly visual planner from EduSciTech.

Note that we also know about the calendar for the following school year in case you need to plan for 2025-2026. Once next year starts, expect me to modify and create a visual planner also.
Source: UFT

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