Happy Thanksgiving: Longest study on happiness!
A fascinating 75 year study to understand happiness. Authentic relationships lead to healthier and longer life. Be thankful for the families and friends in your lives. Keep working on imp…
A fascinating 75 year study to understand happiness. Authentic relationships lead to healthier and longer life. Be thankful for the families and friends in your lives. Keep working on imp…
This is a good reason to be aware of your biases - implicit or explicit. If you are interested in learning more about your implicit biases, harvard has an excellent tool to help you discove…
Relationships matter. Building positive relationship is hard work but is a skill worth investing our time on. The first step of improving our relationship-building skills is to identify whe…
You should pay attention to your posture in an effort to improve your fitness and health. I try to go for a walk or stand up every hour and this has been helpful for me. How specifically d…
What does science mean to you? First day inspirational videos on science and the growth mindset. If you can think of other videos that inspire you towards science, feel free to post the…
A lot of us mistakenly believe that sleep and rest are the same. Just discovered the 7 types of rest, and it is crucial that we develop the skills to accurately diagnose our needs, so we ca…
Watch this great TedTalk to have a sense of the potential of blockchain technology. While I have yet to see it in action personally, it seems that the comparison of blockchain to Wikipedia …
Deadlines. We all have to try and meet them. I thought this was an inspirational TedTalk by Tim Urban, titled "Inside the Mind of a master procrastinator" to understand our mon…
As an educator, I constantly think about ways to incentivize and motivate myself as well as my students. We all need to be goal oriented in order to feel accomplishment and really …
I was quite impressed and inspired by this Ted-talk about the importance and possibility of work-life balance. I recall Google Founders, Sergey and Larry, bring up the same concept that a…
I think the speaker, Rosalinde Torres, rightfully argues that leadership in the 21st century of technology is quite different from traditional leadership. She argues that you Great le…
I have been following the success of Marissa Mayer as the CEO of Yahoo and the turmoil that Yahoo has gone through before finding this gem. I have had many conversations with my professor…
Your mindset makes a huge difference regarding how you respond to Stress. Short on time? Here a short condensed version (Only 3 Minutes): Source: YouTube Here is the full TedTalk on St…
I wish I had his humor.
I had conducted a Poll with my colleagues and this was the most popular Ted Talks for them. Interesting presentation that I can highly recommend from Amy Cuddy. Watch it here . Fake it t…
If you don't think this guy is crazy, I have to question your sanity. I do love his respect for science.
I have always advocated for making education more fun - just as fun as games. I see it as a game. You have an objective. You have to solve a challenge through creative means. Turns out, T…