How to Take Basic Cornell Notes

Basic Cornell Notes from NYC Connected Foundations on Vimeo . Also, a resource directly from Cornell University Learning Strategies Center on how to effectively take Cornell Notes

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Fall 2013 TV Shows Priemiere Dates

Now that Fall is in full gear (yes, September 22nd), I am quite excited for the Fall TV show returns. Couple of quick thoughts - WHY do we need another spinoff to "Once Upon a Time&…

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Easily Schedule Meeting with Doodle

Doodle makes it easier to agree on a meeting time Too often, we have to decide on a meeting time that works for everyone. Doodle is a simple way to take an easy poll on who is able …

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How to converse in Bengali on the iPhone

There is a way to type Bengali and hundreds of other languages on your iPhone. It is not entire free and has a subscription model. However, the cost is minimal considering the potential cr…

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