[TedTalk] Why Incompetent People Think They're Amazing
This is a good reason to be aware of your biases - implicit or explicit. If you are interested in learning more about your implicit biases, harvard has an excellent tool to help you discove…
This is a good reason to be aware of your biases - implicit or explicit. If you are interested in learning more about your implicit biases, harvard has an excellent tool to help you discove…
EduSciTech is where I share my passion for living a green and sustainable lifestyle. Today I want to talk to you about one of the easiest and most rewarding ways to reduce your environmen…
The Metronome that hosts the Climate Clock in Union Square and around the world is meant to remind us to take action on climate especially by our leaders to move away from fossil fuel bas…
Google Claims that Bard AI taught itself Bengali with very few prompts, and Bangladesh gets a shout out in CBS's 60 minutes interview. "CEO Sundar Pichai also confirmed that there…
Most of our single-use food waste trash can be avoided by simply choosing greener options. I was happy to hear Seamless has an option to avoid single use plastics. Climate Lab out of Un…
Relationships matter. Building positive relationship is hard work but is a skill worth investing our time on. The first step of improving our relationship-building skills is to identify whe…
You should pay attention to your posture in an effort to improve your fitness and health. I try to go for a walk or stand up every hour and this has been helpful for me. How specifically d…
This week, for the first time ever, we reported more output than input when it comes to nuclear fusion. This experiment is a huge breakthrough for the future of energy. If you are interest…
Soccer will never be the same with all sorts of tracking abilities, sensors, and technology packed into the soccer ball from Adidas used for the Qatar World Cup 2022. So advanced that you n…
Cherish the diversity of our planet and let us continue to learn to be kinder to ourselves, each other, and most importantly, to our planet, which needs to sustain our children and us. The…