This pandemic has allowed us the opportunity have more 1-1 meetings with our students/parents than ever before. I like to empower students to set up 1-1 meetings with me, so all I have to do is confirm the meeting, which automatically created a meet link for the meeting.
I was inspired by the reminders I get from my dentists - reminding me via text message and email - so I can make preparation and don't miss my appointments. Similar concept can be applied to my office hour appointments that students sign up for - using GOOGLE APPOINTMENT SLOTS.
On the day of the appointment, I send out a quick generic email reminders, so the onus is on the person who signed up to meet with me - to prepare for the meetings. Feel free to adopt or let me know what works best for you as well.
Here is how I phrase my Appointment reminders -
"Just a friendly reminder - I look forward to seeing you today.
Please don't forget to be on time for your chosen office hour appointment.
I have another student before and after seeing you - so it is important that we strictly try our best to adhere to the time for this session. One of the best practices is to install and login with your AFSE Google Account for the following apps on your smartphones: Google Meet, Google Chat and Remind App.
Finally, please open your JumpRope Tab and Tab - so we can discuss your strengths and weaknesses and strategies for you to boost your Mastery Skills for Improving your progress. Looking forward to our conversations!"