Mr. Jamal


Master Teacher Fellowship in Science, Math for America (MfA), New York, 2014 - 2018

M.Ed. - Educational Leadership, Queens College, Flushing, NY, 2014 

M.S.T. - Secondary Education (NYC Teaching Fellow), Pace University, New York, NY, 2009

B.S. - Biological Sciences, Applied Economics and Management (Minor), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 2007

Teacher Certificate - 7-12 Biology Professional Certification: New York State

SBL Certified (June 2014), SDL Courses Completed - Queens College: New York State

International Baccalaureate (IB) CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) Coordinator Certification, 2017.


High School Science teacher - Academy for Software Engineering, Manhattan, NY 2018-present

●    Teaching AP Biology as well as Environmental Science (including Collegeboard curriculum for Environmental Science)     

●    Taught three Regents Biology classes (including ICT classes) and one senior elective course through mastery skills-based assessments.

●    Engaged students through fun and inquiry-based lessons while differentiating for individual needs.

● .  Lead efforts to improve the sustainability of the school through participation in the campus-wide sustainability council and Green Team.

High School Science teacher - High School for Enterprise, Business and Technology, Brooklyn, NY 2007-2018

      Motivated students with creative and differentiated lessons incorporating Smartboard and other technologies.

      Successfully taught students of various levels - honors, regular, ICT, and bilingual classes in Living Environment, Earth Science Regents Courses, and AP Environmental Science course.

      For my honors classes last year, the lowest score on the Living Environment Regents exam was 78 with a mastery of 85+ score for over 75% of my students.

      Collaborated with co-teacher, effectively, to meet the individual needs of students in ICT classes.

      Teaching AP Environmental Science as part of NMSI (National Math Science Institute) with the APforALL initiative.

Home instruction tutor - Champion Learning, New York, NY 2009-2012

      Work with students from low-income families to help them with their academic and social growth.

Residential Teen Counselor - Cornell Adult University, Ithaca, NY July-August 2005

      Supervised fun and educational programs with the children of Cornell’s alumni.

      Taught a journalism class where we published a magazine at the end of each week.


Data Specialist, SPOC High School for Enterprise, Business, and Technology (EBT), Brooklyn, NY, 2008-2018

      Started Tech Leaders Committee, by selecting technology-oriented teachers from each department, to meet once a week, and discuss ways to implement technology improvements for the school. 

      Initiated Google Apps for Education, maintained email address accounts for over 1200+ EBT students and staff. Google Docs has improved communication, as evidenced by our Progress Report.

      Introduced, implemented, and maintained Jupitergrades, an online-based gradebook for teachers, students, and parents to collaborate and improve communication.

      Introduced, implemented, and maintained Castle learning to improve data-driven instructions in the classrooms so teachers can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of students and provide differentiated instructions.

      Manage and track the iPads for over 65+ staff and set up a system to maintain and track 30 new iPad Minis.

      Conducted professional development workshops to train teachers on the usage of several technologies including Smartboard, iPads, ARIS, Google Docs, Jupitergrades, Castlelearning etc.

Gateway Math and Science Institute (MSI) STEM Coordinator, EBT High School, Brooklyn, NY, 2013-2018

      Oversee the STEM-focused program of 200+ students, supported by the Gateway Institute at City College, with four graduates attending IVY League colleges in the previous years.

      Help connect students who are interested in Math and Science-focused majors with professionals in the field through Skype Conversations.

      Lead STEM-focused field trips to museums and college trips.

      Design and publish a STEM-focused student magazine titled “The Potato” to improve student communication, publicity, and interest in STEM fields.

Summer School Coordinator, EBT High School, Brooklyn, NY, July-August 2012

      Managed day to day summer school responsibilities for over 1000 students, working closely with school leaders from five different schools.

      Supervised and assigned tasks to 6 summer interns with the SYEP (Summer Youth Employment Program) and evaluated their performance every week.

      Provided training to 24 summer teaching fellows in the usage of technology to manage and motivate students.

      Administered and implemented protocols for the August Regents exams and ensured that every answer sheet was scanned, and accounted for and that the item analysis was generated and shared to improve instruction.

Lead teacher for Living Environment, EBT High School, Brooklyn, NY, 2010-2018

      Improved the curriculum and pacer based on the analysis of data from the past Regents exams.

      Generated a Google Docs spreadsheet to track and collaborate with the other science teachers to ensure collaboration and a common pacing calendar within the department.

      Mentored and Co-taught with ISS (Instructional Support Services) teachers for 8 years.

Y-Plan Coordinator, EBT High School, Brooklyn, NY, 2010-2018

      Flew out to University of California Berkley to be trained in Y-Plan

      Helped implement Y-Plan at the school where students are partnered with a real organization to lead changes to the school. 

    Students presented their research as well as short-term and long-term solutions to the clients on how to improve college and career readiness for students in temporary housing. Last year, the focus was on how to make the school greener. 

Co-founder and President, Bengali Student Association, Ithaca, NY, 2005-2007

      Founded the club that holds cultural events and lecture series to foster the Bengali Culture at Cornell University.

      Organized events such as Bengali Cultural Night and hosted prominent guest speakers. The club was sustainable and has currently grown to 160+ members within the Cornell community.


·      Parent Outreach using Technology [MfA Session for 50 teachers on January 2017]

·      Engaging the Facebook Generation to improve literacy [School Tech Summit July 2014]


Advisor - Green Team Club at AFSE, 2020-Present

Advisor - STEM Club at EBT, Brooklyn, NY 2012-2018

      Started a STEM club to introduce students to programming with Javascript, Python, and Ruby

Research Assistant - Dr. Chang’s Lab, Cornell Vet School, Ithaca, NY, 2005-2007

● Developed a DNA Vaccine against Johne’s disease involving Mycobacterium paratuberculosis.

      Lab techniques used: Centrifuge, SDS Page, Gel Electrophoresis, Western Blot, French Press, Autoclaving, DNA Mini/Maxi Prep, etc.

Founder, Blogger, Photographer, Web designer - EduSciTech, 2010-present

      Started an online blog to keep other educators informed on the latest technologies and their implementations in the classroom ( site received over 652,120+ views.

      Started, designed, developed, and maintained the school website ( to improve communication between the school community. The site received over 610,000+ views.


MfA (Math for America) Current Emeritus

STANYS (Science Teacher’s Association of New York State) – NYC Section Director, Biology SAR, Webmaster

NSTA (National Science Teachers Association)

GGA Greystones Garden Association (Treasurer/Webmaster)


Photography, Travel, Apps, Web design, Global News, Badminton, Tennis, Biking, Yoga

REFERENCES: Available upon request