Reflections: Why JupiterEd is my favorite LMS platform especially during remote learning

Less is more is the JupiterEd way. 

    I can’t think of a better, more integrated and a more reliable LMS platform for over 14 years of my teaching career. Happy to send them my $50 a year to automate my teaching life - integrates with all the other platforms out there including Google Classroom and keep my sanity. 
    The Simple Writing on PDF, rubrics built in for standardized mastery grading for every assignments are some of the latest innovations. The platform also organizes all of my lesson plans and secures my exams (my students can retake tests from their cell phones without downloading anything) and it automatically emails and texts my parents updates on my kiddos progress. 
    My students get to practice their growth mindset by submitting their corrections for tests for easy feedback from me using this platform. JupiterEd also empowers my students to reflect in secured discussion boards and respond to each other after each lesson asynchronously while I can monitor their progress and feedback to each other. You would think these guys pay me to speak so highly of them but this is how you sound when you love a tech tool that integrates them all with the least clicks saving you precious time. #EdTech #EduSciTech #remotelearning
    I also recommend watching this video where you see how JupiterEd saves you more time compared to all other LMS out there. This is just from teacher perspective. There are also tons of features for parents and administration to quickly generate reports. 

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