Elevate App: Your Personal Brain Trainer

New Year Brings New Resolutions. For 2024, mine is to improve communications and positive brain exercise habits through games. 

Elevate is currently my favorite App. I have been trying to keep up the streak of practicing everyday. They basically give you three different and visually pleasing fun games or exercises everyday. These are short games that do not take more than 10 minutes to go through. Consider this your daily quick mental exercise. The app now also includes fun daily crossword puzzles.

Download the Free App that is available both on iOS, Tablets as well as Android: http://elevateapp.com

To be fully transparent, I do like to put my money where my mouth is and bought a lifetime subscription when the app originally came out a decade ago. Elevate app games have only gotten better and better over the years. 

Image Credit: http://abduzeedo.com/weekly-apps-elevate-fantastical-wist-and-more

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