My goal is to compile a list of the best science teacher resources for the different science subjects that I teach or have taught over the years. If you have other great resource filled science teacher websites, reach out to @eduscitech

AP Bio Links:
  1. Biology Corner -
  2. AP Bio Samples -
  3. AP Biology by Mr. Brantley -
  4. Learn Genetics -
  5. AP Biology Dictionary Tutorials - Comprehensive videos and review topics for AP Biology

Living Environment Links:
  1. KhanAcademy Videos -
  2. All sorts of Biology Activities -
  3. Video Clips -

Earth Science Links:
  2. HMX Earth Science Archive
  3. HMX Earth Science New  
  4. Earth Science Review Lessons
  5. Lots of Earth Science Animations
  6. Charles Burrows -
AP Environmental Science Links:
  1. AskMissReid APES
  4. Virtual lab from Glencoe - 
  5. Crash Course -
  6. Ted Talks -
  7. APES Teacher -
  8. Past FRQ's -
NGSS Links:
  1. NGSS Phenomena -
  2. Take out classroom set of NGSS Lab Kits for your classroom from Cornell -
  3. Plan to take students on field trips by scheduling directly on the website:
  4. Science Journals for kids -

Teacher discounts:
  1. Shop.ID.Me for Teacher discounts -
  2. WeAreTeacher Discounts for 2022 -